متحف الفطر ..قى كرواتيا
جاذبية فريدة من نوعها في زغرب - كرواتيا- متحف الفطر (Svijet gljiva) "

واحدا من المتاحف الأكثر غرابة في العالم - يضم مجموعة من أكثر من 700 نوعا مختلفا من الفطر
، هذا المتحف يحتوي الفطر من كل نوع من الشكل واللون والملمس من موريلس تبحث مستساغة إلى القاتل الأمانيت phalloides والكمأ الأسود والأبيض قيمة لا يصدق.
، ويقدم هذا العرض الهائل جميع أنواع أجاريكوس إلى الاستفادة المثلى.
على ما يبدو لقد أنعم الله على كرواتيا مع مجموعة غير عادية من أنواع الفطر، وعلى الرغم من أن بعض العناصر الموجودة في المجموعة جاءت من بلدان أخرى. in Zagreb - the Mushroom Museum (Svijet gljiva)”
This must be one of the most bizarre museums in the world - a collection of over 700 different species of mushroom with apparently another 700 to go.
Part of the life-time's work and private collection of Croatian international mushroom expert Prof. Dr.Sc. Romano Božac, this museum has mushrooms of every kind of shape, colour and texture from palatable looking morels to killer Amanita phalloides and incredibly valuable black and white truffles.
Having developed a technique to dehydrate the fungi so they are not withered and unappetising, this enormous display presents all manner of Agaricus to optimal advantage.
Apparently Croatia is blessed with an extraordinary variety of mushrooms species, although a few items in the collection came from other countries.
While some of the exhibits looked extremely phallic and rather obscene, others such as the psychoactive branch of Amanita muscaria appeared to be so inoffensive that granny would have no hesitation in popping them into a steak and mushroom pie.
I was shown around by an extremely personable young Croatian lawyer seconded for the day from the Department of Agriculture who explained the international significance of the collection.
All that was needed to complete the visit was a trattoria serving mushroom risotto and the day would have been perfect.
Access is through an office/apartment block just off the main square in Zagreb. Recommended.
تفضل بزيارة المعرض -من هناbit.ly/2g72ca5Part of the life-time's work and private collection of Croatian international mushroom expert Prof. Dr.Sc. Romano Božac, this museum has mushrooms of every kind of shape, colour and texture from palatable looking morels to killer Amanita phalloides and incredibly valuable black and white truffles.
Having developed a technique to dehydrate the fungi so they are not withered and unappetising, this enormous display presents all manner of Agaricus to optimal advantage.
Apparently Croatia is blessed with an extraordinary variety of mushrooms species, although a few items in the collection came from other countries.
While some of the exhibits looked extremely phallic and rather obscene, others such as the psychoactive branch of Amanita muscaria appeared to be so inoffensive that granny would have no hesitation in popping them into a steak and mushroom pie.
I was shown around by an extremely personable young Croatian lawyer seconded for the day from the Department of Agriculture who explained the international significance of the collection.
All that was needed to complete the visit was a trattoria serving mushroom risotto and the day would have been perfect.
Access is through an office/apartment block just off the main square in Zagreb. Recommended.