oyster mushroom project
مشروع زراعة المشروم -من البسترة حتى الزراعة-
oyster mushroom proje

Mushrooms represent an important part of natural solid waste disposal, which can be enhanced by
cultivation. Cultivation provides a source of wholesome food which thus, by cultivating them we can
have more food and less solid waste. However, pasteurization for cultivation requires the use of some
fuel. In order to obtain the maximum environmental benefit from them, it is therefore important to use
the minimum fuel and the best conditions for their cultivation. In this review, we discuss the use of fuel
for pasteurization, a step in cultivation that can potentially use very large amounts of energy. The use of
simple methods and good management can minimize the amount of fuel and reduce disease and pests
خطوات انتاج عيش الغراب المحارى :
1 – عيش الغراب المحارى هو من الانواع التى يمكن زراعتها بسهولة ولاتحتاج خبرة كبيرة فى التعامل معها ولانشاء مشروع عيش الغراب من النوع المحارى تحتاج الى مكان قد يكون غرفة فى المنزل او بدروم وتتوافر فيه شروط النظافة التامة ويزود بمصدر مياه واضاءة
2 – الحصول على التقاوى الجيدة اللازمة لبداية المشروع عيش الغراب ونحصل عليها من وزارة الزراعة حتى نضمن نقاء السلالة وان نأخذها فى الدرجة المناسبة للزراعة بحيث تكون متجانسة فى اللون او خالية من اى الوان غريبة 0
3 – تجهيز البيئة التى سوف نقوم بالزراعة عليها باستخدام قش الارز او تبن القمح مضافا اليها 5 0/ 0 ردة القمح - + 5 0/0 جير مطفىء حيث توضع فى شكاير بلاستيك مجدول وتوضع فى برميل به 2 / 3 حجمه ماء لاجراء عملية غلى قش الارز او التبن على درجة 90 درجة مئوية لمدة ساعتين او مايسمى بعملية البسترة
4 – بعد تجهيز البيئة يتم تركها فى مكان نظيف ( مكان الزراعة حتى تنخفض درجة حرارتها الى درجة حرارة الغرفة والرطوبة تصل االى 70 0/0 وتترك حوالى 12 : 14 ساعة لتصل الى هذا ثم بعد ذلك تستخدم اكياس شفافة فى الزراعة حيث انها من المواد الغير مكلفة للشباب لبداية مشروع عيش الغراب 0
5 – تتم الزراعة فى طبقات بالتبادل طبقة بيئة ثم طبقة خفيفة من التقاوى حتى تكون 4 : 5 طبقات ثم تقفل الاكياس جيدا وتضاف التقاوى بمعدل من 4 : 5 0/0 من البيئة المجهزة وتترك الاكياس فى فترة التحضين لمدة من 15 : 21 يوم
6 - تجرى بعد ذلك عمليات الخدمة حيث تجرى عمليات التهوية لمدة من 1 : 2 ساعة يوميا بفتح الشبابيك كما يتم الرى برشاشة يدوية على البيئة بعد عملية التهوية مع مراعاة الاضاءة والتى تكون ثلث الاضاءة العادية ويجب تجنب ضوء الشمس المباشر
7 – الرطوبة من العوامل المهمة فى انتاج عيش الغراب ويمكن التحكم فيها برش ماء عادى باستخدام رشاشة يدوية لرفع الرطوبة النسبية لتكون من 85 : 90 فى الجو المحيط
8 – بعد 15 يوم من عملية الخدمة يبدأ حصاد القطفة الاولى ويتم قطف فطر عيش الغراب من 3 : 4 قطفات فى الدورة تصل الى 3 شهور
يحفظ فطر عيش الغراب فى الثلاجات على درجة 5 درجة مئوية لمدة تصل الى اسبوع او يجمد ويمكن ان يحفظ لاكثر من 6 شهور او يتم تجفيفه وبعد تمام التجفيف يعبأ فى اكياس محكمة القفل ويحفظ فى مكان جاف او فى ثلاجات تبريد 0
قطف الثمار : يتم القطف يدويا بتحريك الثمار يمينا ويسارا بحيث تنفصل ويتم تجهيز الثمار بحيث تزال الاجزاء التى تكون داخل البيئة للمستهلك طازجا فى اطباق فوم ويغطى ببلاستيك رقيق شفاف
2 - access to quality seeds necessary for the beginning of the project and the mushrooms we get from the Ministry of Agriculture in order to ensure the purity of the strain and take them in the appropriate class for agriculture so as to be homogeneous in color or free from any strange colors 0
3 - the environment, which we will in agriculture by using rice straw or wheat straw plus 5 0/0 wheat bran - processing +5 0/0 Mtefye Gear where placed in sacks, plastic braided and placed in a barrel by two thirds the size of water for the process of boiling straw rice or hay on the degree of 90 ° C for two hours or so-called process of pasteurization
4 - After the environmental processing is left in a clean place (place of agriculture until the temperature drops to room temperature and the humidity up in percentage 70 0/0 and left around 12:14 hours to reach this and then use transparent bags in agriculture where it's from a third party materials expensive for young people to start of mushrooms 0 project
5 - cultivation takes place in layers alternating layer environment, and a light layer of seeds until 4: 5 layers are then closed well and bags of seeds are added at a rate of 4: 5 0/0 fitted the environment and leave the bags in the incubation period of 15:21 Day
6 - conducted after that service operations where ventilation are conducted for a period of from 1: 2 hours a day to open the windows and are Irrigation hand Brchach on the environment after the ventilation process, taking into account lighting, which are one-third of the normal lighting and should avoid direct sunlight
7 - humidity are important factors in the production of live crow and can be controlled by spraying water Normal using manual machine to raise the relative humidity to be from 85: 90 in the ocean air
8 - After 15 days of the service process starts with the first harvest Alktefh are picking mushrooms from 4: 3 Ktefat in session up to 3 months
Saves mushrooms mushroom in refrigerators at 5 degrees Celsius for up to a week or frozen and can be kept for more than six months or be dried and after drying completely packed into bags and lock Court Store in a dry place or in the refrigerator cooling 0
Gatherers: are cut manually by moving the fruits right and left so that the fruits are separated and processed so that the parts that are still within the environment fresh to the consumer in the dishes with plastic foam and covered with a thin transparent
Mushrooms shellfish is one of the species that can be easily grown and did not need a lot of experience in dealing with them and to create a mushroom project the kind of shellfish need to place may be room in the house or basement and meets the conditions of strict hygiene and provides water and light source
3 - the environment, which we will in agriculture by using rice straw or wheat straw plus 5 0/0 wheat bran - processing +5 0/0 Mtefye Gear where placed in sacks, plastic braided and placed in a barrel by two thirds the size of water for the process of boiling straw rice or hay on the degree of 90 ° C for two hours or so-called process of pasteurization
4 - After the environmental processing is left in a clean place (place of agriculture until the temperature drops to room temperature and the humidity up in percentage 70 0/0 and left around 12:14 hours to reach this and then use transparent bags in agriculture where it's from a third party materials expensive for young people to start of mushrooms 0 project
5 - cultivation takes place in layers alternating layer environment, and a light layer of seeds until 4: 5 layers are then closed well and bags of seeds are added at a rate of 4: 5 0/0 fitted the environment and leave the bags in the incubation period of 15:21 Day
6 - conducted after that service operations where ventilation are conducted for a period of from 1: 2 hours a day to open the windows and are Irrigation hand Brchach on the environment after the ventilation process, taking into account lighting, which are one-third of the normal lighting and should avoid direct sunlight
7 - humidity are important factors in the production of live crow and can be controlled by spraying water Normal using manual machine to raise the relative humidity to be from 85: 90 in the ocean air
8 - After 15 days of the service process starts with the first harvest Alktefh are picking mushrooms from 4: 3 Ktefat in session up to 3 months
Saves mushrooms mushroom in refrigerators at 5 degrees Celsius for up to a week or frozen and can be kept for more than six months or be dried and after drying completely packed into bags and lock Court Store in a dry place or in the refrigerator cooling 0
Gatherers: are cut manually by moving the fruits right and left so that the fruits are separated and processed so that the parts that are still within the environment fresh to the consumer in the dishes with plastic foam and covered with a thin transparent
Instructions (complete instructions can be found on pages 51-54 of ):
1 Fill the barrel with water and heat to 160°F.
2 Chop up your straw with a chipper/shredder.
3 Collect the straw into large, mesh laundry bags, preferably ones with sturdy drawstring straps that you can attach to the chipper/shredder to collect the straw.
4 Pasteurize straw in 160°F water for at least one hour.
5 Carefully remove the straw from the barrel and empty it into a clean wheelbarrow with a small drainage hole in the bottom.
6 Prepare the grow bags by placing straw and then oyster mushroom spawn in alternating layers, each time shaking the bag to more evenly distribute the spawn and compact it so you can get more in the bag.
7 Seal each bag, larger ones with bailing twine, smaller ones (such as the grow kits to sell) with a vacuum sealer.
8 Poke holes in each of the large production bags (but not the smaller ones with filter patches).
9 Hang the larger production bags in the shade near access to a watering system.
Here’s where I get a bit unconventional….
Generally oyster mushroom growers will do one of two things. They’ll heat up bulk amounts of water to ‘cook’ their straw or they’ll wet it down and steam it. The idea behind both methods is to kill off any resident mold, bacteria and microorganisms that will compete with the mushroom mycelium. Needless to say, this process is both time and energy consuming making it quite unsustainable and uneconomical.
Another option that is just starting to get the attention it deserves is a process called lime-pasteurisation.
Materials needed:
- Cereal straw or sugar cane bagasse
- Grain Spawn from a very vigorous oyster mushroom variety
- Hydrated lime — aim for the high calcium variety
- A soak tank that can hold all of your straw (avoid aluminum as it pits when in contact with lime)
- A large sack that can hold your straw while you soak it — hessian sacks, onion nets and old pillowcases work great!
- Plastic bags to hold your planted straw.*
*A note on the plastic bag use — this is the one waste product worth finding a suitable alternative for. Plastic buckets with holes drilled in them have been used as a great reusable substitute and are worth experimenting with.
- Fill your drum with water so that your straw will be fully submerged
- While filling, put a double handful of lime into the water to dissolve — be sure to avoid inhaling particles and wear gloves!
- Load your straw into the large soaking sacks, tie closed and place into the tank
- Be sure your straw is fully submerged by placing a heavy weight on top of the bags
- Let your straw soak for 16-18 hours
- After the soak time, remove your straw sacks and set aside to let excess water drain away.
The great thing is that the limewater left in the tank can be re-used over and over again by simply topping up the water and adding more lime. It’s highly alkaline so be careful not to drain the left over water onto sensitive plants or into local waterways!
- Plant your Oyster Grain Spawn into the lime-soaked straw at a rate of 10%. For every kg of spawn you can plant 10kg of wet straw!
- Load your planted straw into the plastic bags and tie closed. Poke a hole every 5-10cm in the bags so that the mushroom mycelium can breathe.
Now we wait
The oyster mycelium will now need to grow through the straw before it has enough energy to produce mushrooms. This process is called the incubation period. To speed this process up place the bags in a warmish area (aim for 18-25ºC) in the dark. If it’s a bit cold, don’t worry, it will just take the mycelium slightly longer to grow.
Check back on the bags now and again to see how they’re going. You’ll know when the mushrooms are ready to grow when the straw is completely covered in the white mushroom mycelium.
Fruiting mushrooms up and away
After the straw is completely covered in the mycelium it’s finally time for your first mushroom crop. Place the bags in dappled shade and keep the humidity high. Have a read of the previous article (the set-up) for the perfect mushroom growing environment.

Mixing through spawn

Planting straw

Mushroom bag